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Ruler icon with arrow pointing up to the right of ruler Grow Together™ headrest
Two interlocked perpendicular arrows AutoAdjust™ side wings
Three star icons Harness Hideaway™
product details


  • With 6 recline positions (2 rear facing and 4 forward facing), you’ll never run out of ways to keep your backseat driver comfy 
  • 3 piece flexible insert system includes an infant head support, infant body support, and infant wedge for the ultimate fit at every stage through your baby’s first year
  • Keep your little one cool on the warmest of days with plush and breathable fabrics and built-in side ventilation 



  • One-hand, 10 position height adjustable headrest means you can easily adjust for those growth spurts that seem to happen overnight 
  • AutoAdjust™ side wings widen as headrest is raised so you’ll always get a custom fit even as they grow 
  • Grow Together™ multi-height headrest and harness system adjust simultaneously and require no re-threading of harness so you can easily keep up with unexpected growth spurts 
  • Reinforced steel inner seat shell increases structural integrity in the event of a collision 
  • Custom Harness Hideaway compartments store the 5-point harness for future use when using as a Group 2/3 booster 
  • Side, mesh storage pockets for your child’s must-have travel items to keep them refreshed and entertained on short or long journeys 
  • One pull motion easily tightens the 5-point harness



  • Side impact protection provides added security for the head, body, and hips so you can travel knowing we have them protected from every angle 
  • Guard Surround Safety™ panels provide extra side protection and fold into seat when not in use 
  • BabySoft 5-point harness with shoulder and lower buckle covers
  • Well-marked, colour-coded installation paths that take the guesswork out of making sure your car seat is installed correctly
  • Dual lock-offs for installing with vehicle's 3-point seat belt
  • For children under 18kg /newborn–4 years old, install rear facing with the 3-point vehicle belt 
  • For children 15–36kg /3–12 years old, install forward facing with the 3-point vehicle belt, or the 3-point vehicle belt and ISOSAFE connectors  



  • Testing Certification: ECE R44/04   
  • Product Weight: 14.6 kg 
  • Product Size: l 52 x w 45-51.5 x h 62-87 cm
  • Usage: birth to 36 kg; approx. 12 years
    • rearward facing from 0-18 kg (birth to approx. 4 years); installed with the vehicle's seat belt  
    • forward facing from 15-36 kg (approx. 3-12 years); installed with a seatbelt OR 3-point vehicle belt and ISOSAFE connectors  
      To comply with the ECE R44 OR ECE R129 car seat regulations of this car seat, we've included the weight/height at which the car seat can turn forward. However, we strongly encourage keeping your little one rear-facing as long as possible by maxing out the recommended rear-facing usage of the car seat. 

Testing Certification: ECE R44/04   

Product Weight: 14.6 kg  

Product Size: l 52 x w 45-51.5 x h 62-87 cm 

 Usage: birth to 36 kg; approx. 12 years  

  • rearward facing from 0-18 kg (birth to approx. 4 years); installed with the vehicle's seat belt  
  • forward facing from 15-36 kg (approx. 3-12 years); installed with a seatbelt OR 3-point vehicle belt and ISOSAFE connectors  
    To comply with the ECE R44 OR ECE R129 car seat regulations of this car seat, we've included the weight/height at which the car seat can turn forward. However, we strongly encourage keeping your little one rear-facing as long as possible by maxing out the recommended rear-facing usage of the car seat. 


how to & support
 Four Joie verso booster car seats positioned next to each other, each displaying a different headrest position.

teeny tiny to twelve years

Save your money for more adventures with a “first to final” car seat designed to grow from birth all the way up to 36 kg. A single car seat is all you need to take you from newborn car seat to belted booster seat.

  Side profile of black Joie verso booster car seat in a reclined position.

look back longer for safety

Keep little ones rear facing as long as possible for the best protection for their head, neck & spine. With up to 73% more protection while looking back, travel with the extra safety that comes with rearward facing all the way up to 18 kg.

 Zoomed in view of the headrest of a Joie verso booster car seat with an orange arrow showing the different headrest positions.

easily adjust for their growth

Easily handle every growth spurt with a headrest and harness that adjust to 10 positions simultaneously, all while AutoAdjust™ side wings expand out to accommodate widening shoulders.

no such thing as too safe

Your baby gear should work hard for you every single day. That’s why we push our products to the extreme during testing: We want to make sure they’re up for any challenge you may face.

super strength materials

We use only high-quality materials in creating your gear: like aero-grade aluminium, super-strength steel and undiluted plastics.